People want to lose weight. They want to look slim and well-exercised. The problem: motivation. Like many women, my mom wants to lose weight, but she LOVES food. Cutting down what she eats is the most difficult for her.
Thus, in order to motivate herself as well as her obese co-worker to lose weight, they started a friendly competition. With money on the line, they set a time limit of one month to lose 15 pounds. If both people succeed, it is neither a gain nor a loss. However, if only one person succeeds, the other person has to lose their bet of $200.
Since the start of the bet, my mom has consistently begun to exercise. From jogging and cycling to pilates and golf, there is not a sport she has not been exploring. As the calories she consumes decrease and the calories burned increase, she has slowly, but surely, begun to lose weight.
The first several weeks were rough. The changes she was making in her lifestyle were pretty drastic, but the numbers on the scale were not going down. Yet, she persisted. Just as she was about to give up, the numbers plummeted. Finding encouragement and excitement, she can not wait to continue to lose weight in a healthy and fun manner.